Important information

We need confirmation that you've read the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID) before we proceed with a top up, increase in regular contribution or switching funds.

We also recommend that you read the Supplementary Information Document (SID) which contains our Terms & Conditions and the Costs & Charges Disclosure Documents (CCDD). All these documents, including guidance and application forms are available by visiting our Manage your RLUM ISA or Unit Trust page.

You can read more information here about Unit Trusts and Stocks and Shares ISAs.

Keeping you safe from fraud

An Anti–Money Laundering directive has been introduced which means whenever you deal with us we may need to verify your identity or the identity of certain individuals connected to the product. At Royal London we do this electronically to make things easier for you. If you’d like to know more about how we use your information, visit our full privacy notice.

Responsible investor

RLUM Ltd has retained an investment advisor (Royal London Asset Management Ltd ) to undertake the service of the portfolio management for all schemes, through an Investment Management Agreement.

Investment glossary

If you aren't sure what something means, our investment glossary is full of plain English explanations for some of the most commonly used investment terms.

Annual and interim reports

Copies of the Annual & Interim Reports for the RLUM funds can be found on the RLAM website. Or if you prefer you can ring us on 0345 605 7777 (between 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays) to request a copy free of charge.

Change in the settlement cycle – no action required 

From 1 July 2024 onwards, we are changing the time period it takes for the purchase or sale of units in RLUM funds to be completed (the settlement cycle). Currently the settlement cycle takes three business days to complete but from 1 July 2024 this will take two business days. If you invest directly into an RLUM fund this will have no impact on when you pay for the purchase of units or receive the proceeds from the sale of units.   

Royal London US Growth Trust – Clarification of investment objective regarding US companies

The objective of the Royal London US Growth Trust (the “Trust”) currently states that the Trust is predominantly invested in the New York Stock Exchange. This is being updated to clarify that the Trust’s investment universe is not restricted to a particular stock exchange. This aligns to the stated investment policy of the Trust. Specific reference to the New York Stock Exchange will therefore be removed from the Trust’s investment objective.

There will be no change to the way the Trust is managed. This note is only for reference and a formal communication will be issued to all investors at a later date.


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