Getting extra help

Is there anything that impacts the way you manage your finances or how you communicate with Royal London? If you tell us about your circumstances and explain how we can help, we can use that information to support you.

We'll send your information to our specialist team. They'll review what you’ve told us and see what we can do to help.

We won’t share your information outside of Royal London and we’ll always ask your permission before we make any changes to how we support you.

What we can do to support you

Depending on your circumstances, we can:

  • send your written communications in a different format, such as large print, braille or audio.
  • change the way we speak to you when you get in touch with us.
  • translate your documents into another language.
  • add a family member or friend to your account so they can speak on your behalf. We may need some more information from you to do this.
  • offer support when contacting a charity or organisation who can provide more help.

If you are facing financial challenges, including paying monthly premiums, we’re here to support you. Please contact us on 0345 602 1885 Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm (excluding bank holidays). Alternatively, detailed information and helpful resources can be found on our guides and tools section.

Further help and support

You can also visit our health and wellbeing directory which includes a list of organisations providing help and advice to support your mental and physical health.

Let us know if you'd like support

If you'd like to tell us about your circumstances you can contact us by phone or by using our online form.


Support form

* Indicates a required field

1. Your details

Personal information we collect through this form will be used to manage your request. To find out how we use your information you can read the privacy policy (opens in new window) or listen on 0800 085 8352.

Personal information

Title *
Please use the format DD/MM/YYYY
Email is the quickest and simplest way for us to communicate with you, it also helps us support the environment by reducing paper. We will use the email address you provide here to update our records and to send confirmation of the request.

2. Information about your plan or policy

You will find this on your statement or policy documents
Which type product do you have with us? * Select one option. If you have more than one product, choose any relevant option
You will find this on your National Insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60
Do you pay a monthly or annual premium amount? *

3. How we can support you

Please tell us your concerns and what adjustments you need

4. Consent

The personal information (including sensitive personal information) you provide in this form will only be used to help us support you better in the future. You may, at your discretion provide us with this type of information on a voluntary basis and based on your consent. You can withdraw your consent to us using this information at any time by contacting us on 0345 602 1885.

Please check this box before submitting the form

* Indicates a required field

Tell us what we can do to support you

Give us a call on:

0345 602 1885

Lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Turn2Us benefits calculator

Our flagship charity partner, Turn2Us provide a free, confidential and independent benefits calculator, helping people to find out which state benefits they may be entitled to.

We have a long term, strategic partnership with Turn2Us to help more people build their financial resilience to life shocks.