Make a complaint

If something is not quite right and you would like our Customer Relations team to look into it for you, then please fill out our complaints email form below. Alternatively, you can call us or get in touch by post

You can view our complaints policy in full to learn more about how we'll deal with your complaint.

By filling in the form fields, you’re providing us with information we need to make sure your claim is dealt with quickly and by the right customer services team. 


Complaint form

* Indicates a required field

1. Your details

Personal information collected on this form will be used to administer your request. To understand the detail of how we use your information you can read the privacy policy (opens in new window) or listen on 0800 085 8352.

Personal information

Title *
Please use the format DD/MM/YYYY
Email is the quickest and simplest way for us to communicate with you, it also helps us support the environment by reducing paper. We will use the email address you provide here to update our records and to send confirmation of the request.

2. Details of your policy or application

To help us process your complaint, please fill in this section with your policy or application information where relevant.

Is your complaint in relation to a policy with Royal London? *
Is the policy yours? *
What type of product is the policy? *
You will find this on your National Insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60
How is your policy paid? *
You will find this on your statement or policy documents
If the complaint isn't about a Royal London policy, or if you're unsure, please select 'unknown'

3. Your Complaint

To help us investigate your complaint, please give us as much information as you can.

You can select more than one file at the same time. You can upload a maximum of 10MB at once, regardless of the number of files

* Indicates a required field

You can also contact us by phone or through the post using the following details:


0345 603 6733

(Office hours are Monday to Friday 8.00am-6.00pm).
Excluding Bank Holidays


Customer Relations
Royal London House
Alderley Park
Congleton Road
Nether Alderley
SK10 4EL