Retirement and pension calculators
Our tools and calculators can help you decide how to take your pension money at retirement, work out how much your pension could be worth when you retire and more.

Pension calculator
Get an estimate of how much annual income your pension savings could be worth when you retire. Understand if you’re on track for the lifestyle you want in retirement.

Lump sum calculator
Understand if you might have to pay tax if you take a lump sum from your pension savings. See the impact on your remaining pension value and potential future retirement income.

Workplace pension contributions calculator
Learn if you could afford to contribute more into your pension, so you can make the most of contributions from your employer.

Retirement options calculator
Explore the different ways to access your pension savings when you retire, from choosing a secure income for life to taking tax-free cash and more.
Pensions and retirement guides
Our pension and retirement guides are full of helpful information about saving and planning ahead for life when you retire.