RLUM fund details

We offer a range of funds that you can choose from.

Making or changing an investment is an important decision. If you feel you need advice you should speak to a financial adviser. Our Find a financial adviser tool can help you find a financial advisor in your area. Advisers may charge for their services - though they should agree any fees with you upfront.

The value of an investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you put in.

Fund overview

The below table shows the latest available price information for the RLUM funds, as well as some documents you might find useful.

To view the Costs and Charges Disclosure Documents please visit:


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Further information

You must be over 18 to invest.

Up to four named people can collectively hold a unit trust.

Only one person can hold a Stocks & Shares ISA, such as the RLUM ISA.

The RLUM ISA is not open to new customers. But, if you already have an open RLUM ISA you can invest using the options mentioned below.

If you don’t have an open RLUM ISA you can still invest directly in a RLUM unit trust.

New investors in a RLUM unit trust can:

  • invest a lump sum (minimum £1,000)
  • make regular monthly contributions (minimum £50 per month)
  • or a combination of both.

There is no maximum investment limit in a unit trust.

You can find out how to top up your investment by visiting Manage your RLUM ISA or Unit Trust.

You can top up with:

  • a lump sum (minimum £500)
  • regular monthly contributions (minimum £25 per month)

There's no maximum investment limit in a unit trust. If you want to invest in a unit trust through an ISA, the most you can invest is £20,000.

Don't forget that any cash ISA and / or innovative finance ISA and / or lifetime ISA investment you make in this tax year counts towards your overall ISA allowance limit.

It's important to remember the value of investments can go down as well as up and you could get back less than you paid in.

There's no fixed investment term and you can choose to increase or decrease your monthly payments.

You can even take up to two 'payment holidays' in a year if you like. You'll need to let us know in advance if you'd like to do this and the minimum monthly payment must be at least £50.

You can make partial withdrawals from your investment. But you should remember that making any withdrawals will reduce the value of your investment and any income you receive from it. You can withdraw all of your money at any time.

Please remember that if you withdraw your full ISA allowance in the same tax year that you opened it, you won't have another ISA allowance until the following tax year.

The minimum withdrawal is £250.

We'll send you a half-yearly statement to let you know how your investment is performing. You can also ask for a valuation of your investment at any time by calling us on 0345 605 7777.

You can check the daily unit price online using the fund performance table for your funds.

You'll have to pay personal income tax on any income you earn from an investment. You may also have to pay capital gains tax when you sell your units. This depends on whether you've gone over your annual capital gains tax exemption. However, if you invest in a unit trust through an ISA, you won't have to pay any tax on this investment. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and could change in the future.

Annual Management Charge

Our annual management charge is 1.00% for all Trusts, except for the Corporate Bond Monthly Income Trust where it's 0.60%. We aim to keep our charges to a minimum and will let you know about any changes.

Ongoing charges

As well as the Annual Management Charge, we make ongoing charges for the additional costs of managing the Trust. These include the Trustee's fees and expenses and audit fees but excludes portfolio transaction costs.

You can find details of all charges in the Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) and Costs & Charges Disclosure Documents (CCDDs). 

Transactional charges

These are costs we have to pay when buying and selling underlying investments.

An illustration of the effect of the charges on the funds can be found in the Costs & Charges Disclosure Document for each fund.

Manage your RLUM ISA

Top up your investment, change a direct debit, switch funds or transfer an existing ISA.