Fill in our form

Fill in the form on this page for a quick and easy way to get your enquiry to the right team.

Alternatively, you can call us or get in touch by post.


To speed things up, please have this information ready before you start:

  • your policy/plan number
  • the name of the provider who you originally took your policy/plan out with. If you don't know this, please call us on 0345 602 1885.

Personal information collected on this form will be used to administer your request. To understand the detail of how we use your information you can read the privacy policy (opens in new window) or listen on 0800 085 8352.

This form should take approximately two minutes to complete. All fields are mandatory unless marked as (optional).

Your details

Personal information

You'll find this on your statement or policy documents.
Email is the quickest and simplest way for us to communicate with you. It also helps us support the environment by reducing paper. We'll use the email address you provide here to update our records and to send confirmation of the request.
Please provide a mobile number. This may be used for online access related enquiries or call backs.


Your enquiry

Which product type are you getting in touch about? Select one option. If you have more than one product, choose any relevant option.
You will find this on your National Insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60.
Do you pay a monthly or annual premium amount? *
You can select more than one file at the same time. You can upload a maximum of 20MB at once, regardless of the number of files.

Get in touch over the phone or by letter

Prefer putting pen to paper? Address your letter to one of the following locations, dependent on your original provider:

General enquiries:

Royal London House
Alderley Park
Congleton Road
Nether Alderley
SK10 4EL

0345 602 1885


Royal London Protection
Customer Service
SR43 4JY

Tel: 03456 00 14 02

Lines are open 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Phoenix Life, Abbey National / Santander:

Royal London
301 St. Vincent Street
G2 5PB

Tel: 0345 741 3002

Lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Scottish Provident:

301 St Vincent Street
G2 5PB

Tel: 0345 271 0900

Lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.


Churchgate House
5th Floor Reception
56 Oxford Street
M1 6EU

Tel: 0345 605 7777

Lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Help with online service

If you have a Royal London Pension and need help with accessing online service or are having trouble logging into your account, our dedicated Web Support Team are available from 8am to 6pm Monday - Thursday and 8am to 5pm on Friday. 

Call us on 0345 602 1885.