A complete investment solution

We have a number of ready-made options in the shape of our:

Or you can choose your own from our range of funds.

Investing can be a complex area. If you're unsure where to invest, you should think about getting financial advice. Using a professional financial adviser can be reassuring when making important decisions about your money.

Ready-made options

All of our ready-made options are part of our Governed Range. This means they benefit from regular reviews, hands-on supervision and ongoing governance to help make sure they meet their objectives. At no extra cost.

Governed Portfolios

  • Take into account your attitude to risk
  • Have a proven track record in governance and managing risk.

Governed Retirement Income Portfolios (GRIPs)

  • Designed for customers looking to access their pension savings flexibly
  • Five options designed to suit different attitudes to risk.

Lifestyle Strategies

  • Target specific retirement income goals - taking a cash lump sum, buying a guaranteed regular income for life (an annuity) or accessing your pension savings flexibly (drawdown)
  • Automatically move your pension savings from higher-risk to lower-risk investments as you get closer to your retirement age.

Create your own portfolio

If you'd like to take a more hands-on approach, we have a range of funds for you to choose from.

What do I need to watch out for?

Higher risk investments can help your money grow more. But there’s also a greater chance of losing money. And with lower risk investments, your money may not grow as much as you want or need it to.

Of course, investment returns are never guaranteed. While your pension savings could grow, their value can also go down – meaning you could get back less than you started with.

Some investment options carry an extra charge. So before you choose your own investments, you should speak to your financial adviser. They can give you an idea of the impact any extra charges could have on your pension savings over time.

The longer your money remains invested, the more opportunity it has to grow, although there are no guarantees. 

Remember that in the future your money is unlikely to go as far as it does today because of inflation. To help protect the buying power of your money, you should consider ways to mitigate the long-term impact of inflation.

Having a mix of investments can help smooth out returns as different types of investments tend to perform differently at different times.

Choosing a fund or funds when you set up your plan isn’t enough. You should review your investments regularly to make sure they continue to meet your needs.

Investment options

Find out more about all our investment options in our Investing for your retirement guide or visit the investment section of our website.