Life events

Understand how to manage life events that have a financial impact, such as buying a home, starting a family, when someone falls ill, and when someone dies.

Buying a home

Learn about the costs involved when buying a home, including what to think about when buying a home after the age of 60 and more.

Explore buying a home

Starting a family

Explore guides about the costs of starting a family, such as planning your finances for a new arrival, supporting your child's finances and more.

Explore starting a family


When someone falls ill

Find out how to cover the cost of long-term care, how to become a carer for someone, and how certain conditions or illnesses could impact your insurance policy.

Explore when someone falls ill

Big life events that can change your finances

There are even more big life events that can have a big impact on your finances. Our guide can help you prepare for them in advance so you don’t get caught out.

When someone dies

Understand how much funerals cost, how to deal with someone's debts after they're gone, what it means to be the executor of a will and more.

Explore our guides

Starting a business

If you're thinking of starting a business or you're already self-employed, these guides can help you understand taxes and other costs involved.

Explore starting a business

Divorce and separation

Get information on the impact of moving to a single-income household, how financial settlements work, splitting pension benefits and more.

Explore divorce and separation

Cost of living

These guides help you manage day-to-day costs, such as cutting bills, planning a spending budget, dealing with debt, and understanding benefits you may be entitled to.