
Royal London launches Investment Pathways

Published  01 February 2021
   5 min read

Royal London has launched its Investment Pathways, a series of solutions aimed at non-advised customers moving some or all of their pensions into income drawdown.

To help customers make the right decision the mutual insurer will provide guidance to help them understand the investment pathway that best matches their need. Once they have made their decision they’ll get a yearly reminder and communications inviting them to review their choice and make sure it still reflects their needs.

The pathways are a regulatory requirement introduced as part of the Retirement Outcomes Review. They aim to meet the needs of drawdown customers over the next five years. While they are primarily aimed at non-advised customers those with advisers can also use them.

Each solution is mapped to a current Royal London solution so past performance can be used. Each one is designed to meet the needs of the majority of people using the pathway.

  • Investment pathway 1 - for individuals who have no plans to spend their pension savings.

Governed Portfolio 6 (drawdown) - Designed to deliver growth above inflation for a customer who has no short-term plans to access their savings.

  • Investment pathway 2 - for individuals who plan to buy an annuity.

RLP annuity fund - Designed to maintain annuity buying power for a customer looking to buy an annuity in the short-term.

  • Investment pathway 3 - for individuals already taking, or planning to take a regular income.

Governed Retirement Income Portfolio (GRIP) 3 - Designed to deliver growth above inflation to support sustainable income withdrawal.

  • Investment pathway 4 - for individuals who plan to withdraw all their pension savings.

Governed Portfolio (GP) 3 - Designed to offer the potential for above inflation growth while supporting short-term withdrawal needs.


Customers will be charged under the same tiered structure regardless of which pathway is used (see notes to editors). This allows advisers and customers to consider the most appropriate solution without also having to compare the charges for their choice.

Lorna Blyth, head of investment solutions at Royal London, said:

“While it is preferable that people approaching retirement take financial advice we are aware that many people will not be able to afford to do this. Offering access to good quality guidance and support alongside the pathways will not only help people manage the transition into retirement but also ensure the solution they choose continues to meet their needs throughout their journey.”


For further information please contact:

Neil Cameron, PR Manager

Notes to Editors

Value of pension savings      Annual management charge

£0 - £34,500                          0.90%

£34,500 - £69,100                 0.50%

£69,100 - £207,000               0.45%

£207,000 - £691,000             0.40%

£691,000+                             0.35%

About Royal London:

Royal London is the largest mutual life insurance, pensions and investment company in the UK, with assets under management of £139 billion, 8.6 million policies in force and 4,348 employees. Figures quoted are as at 30 June 2020.